Cover letter

Para práctiamente todos los trabajos en Inglaterra piden escribir una carta de presentación/motivación en inglés o cover letter. Esto suele resultar algo complicado para los españoles por lo que a continuación podéis ver un ejemplo muy simple de cómo hacer una. Por supuesto, puedes modificarla o escribir algo totalmente diferente, pero esta carta puede servir de ayuda:


Manuel Sánchez Sánchez

Date of birth:


Mobile Phone:



Mr. Peter Arthur (Nombre de la persona a la que va dirigida la carta)






Dear Mr/Mrs xxxxx,

I have just viewed your job vacancy for “xxxxx” and would like to be considered for this vacancy

My attached Curriculum Vitae (personal and professional references available on request) provides you with an overview of my experience and training. I have been working at xxxxx department for a year. I had to deal with xxxxx. My main tasks were xxxxx.

I am applying for this job because I am sure I can do it, and even more, I will enjoy it. I have got some knowledge of xxxxx, and it would be a pleasure to me to improve my knowledge.

I would be delighted to further discuss my application with you. I can be contacted by you by phone or email.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

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